Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas eve

Last night I had a small Christmas gathering in my new Melbourne home.

A very traditional affair featuring fairy lights Japanese takeaway and the Christmas ironing board (esp. festive), also debuted some of my Chrissy cards.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I dropped by Julian Ashton's to pick up my painting last night. I'm going to miss going there so much! My teacher (Rod Wong) is the greatest, he improved my painting a million fold.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Budgies and Baking

I don't have a scanner at the moment so I'm making do with my questionable photography skills to archive my work...yes up to its usual standards I think ( blurry weird angley...)
The budgies were fun to draw and the end result is a colour study using analogous colour scheme, my first time using
gouache and using the word 'analogous' both were fun...analogus...
Also Miss Amy and I combined our culinary powers to co-produce this AMAZING cheese cake.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Kino Sydney (a chapter of an international short filmmaking collective) is releasing a zine to coincide with each monthly meeting. As a long time kino admirer and twin sister to a kinolebrity, this is very exciting. Tomorrow JuliaWhy? will be playing at Kino No. 36 and they have decided to include one of my posters in their first ever zine!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pope Study

A painting of the scary looking pope guy! A study from the last term of my night teacher suggested giving it to someone. Geez jess, a scary pope -just what I always wanted.