Saturday, September 6, 2014

Melbourne Writers Festival (last weekend)

Started off the day by drawing a Marmot to relax before heading into the city to draw at the Melbourne Writers Festival:

We (Squishfacers) took turns drawing at a desk that had a camera set up that projected what we were drawing up on to the big screen in the atrium at Fed Square. I started drawing Pizza Dog/ Lucky from Hawkeye - inking him there and then finishing off the colouring later.

Then the gals and I went to the first meeting of the All Star Women's Comic Book Club, which was awesome - if you're a girl in Melbourne and have even a passing interest in comics I would recommend going. There was a fairly large turn out of over 60 women all talking comics, I met some cool people and was introduced to some books I hadn't read before, as well as talking about how everyone loves Saga and the ending of Locke and Key -  which was great.