So Squishface has been commissioned by Moreland Council to make a Brunswick themed zine,and I've contributed a 4 page comic about a collection of Brunswickian couples I've spotted around the place, (below is the first page minus text etc.)
Ben Hutchings has contributed an awesome cover for the book and it will be full of great Squishfacer's art - to see the cover and more info head over the Squishface's site.
The zine will be launched on the 26th of Oct and will be FREE - given out around Moreland in Melbourne over the following months, I'll post again when we know exactly where to point people, but I assume we'll have some at Squishface too. :)
Started off the day by drawing a Marmot to relax before heading into the city to draw at the Melbourne Writers Festival:
We (Squishfacers) took turns drawing at a desk that had a camera set up that projected what we were drawing up on to the big screen in the atrium at Fed Square. I started drawing Pizza Dog/ Lucky from Hawkeye - inking him there and then finishing off the colouring later.
Then the gals and I went to the first meeting of the All Star Women's Comic Book Club, which was awesome - if you're a girl in Melbourne and have even a passing interest in comics I would recommend going. There was a fairly large turn out of over 60 women all talking comics, I met some cool people and was introduced to some books I hadn't read before, as well as talking about how everyone loves Saga and the ending of Locke and Key - which was great.
I recently invested in an amazing pen, a Pentel Brush pen (Fude-pen) in black.
I looove it and have been scribblin' little made- up portraits with it.
Also at the start of the year I joined Squishface comic studio in Brunswick (in the top pic - there's some of my stuff hung in the window!) It is a open studio, where you can also purchase the artists' books, merch and prints/drawings. It is rad, also getting to meet some great artists; Ben, David, Teags and Sarah and other talented Squishface alumni.
A couple of drawings - pen, markers and ink...(thanks to Tara and Jessie for sitting for me).